Datos: Probablemente el último de una especie extinguida, guarda un profundo rencor por todos los seres vivos, a los que culpa de su tragedia. Le llaman El Pecker o El Carpintero, no solo por su naturaleza sino por su particular y temida manera de acabar con sus víctimas. Es el villano más peligroso de Noctam City, y el archienemigo de Bat-rat.
Historia completa: próximamente en Bat-rat & Robird Adventures!®
Prensa rosa: Se le atribuye un romance con su (no menos desquiciada) ayudante Pierrot Queen...
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ID: The Pecker
Real name: Conrado Picatronco
Species: Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Band: villains
Data: Probably last of an extinted species, hides a deep hate for all living creatures, those who blame for its tragedy. People call him The Pecker, not only by its own nature but also by his special and frightening way to end to their victims. He's the most dangerous villain of Noctam City, and the arch enemy of Bat-rat.
Full story: coming soon at Bat-rat & Robird Adventures!®
Gossip: rumors say that he has an affair with his (not least deranged) assistant Pierrot Queen...